别 - 影像制作

Don't - film

更困惑的是,害羞对中国女性来说似乎是一件理所当然的事。内心似乎总有无形的声音告知着她们别去做一些事情,并且她们也相信了。这里不是在谈论害羞作为正常生理反馈的问题,更关键的是这种性格的塑造本身。为什么会有这样的性格?什么样的环境会塑造害羞的性格? 这不是某个个体的失误。对于社会文化来说,儒家文化作为中国长久以来的正统思想,谦虚内敛作为美德成为社会共识,有时甚至被过分强调了也没有被意识到。我不想看到害羞成为中国女性的标签,我不想害羞变成刻板印象,我想鼓舞激励她们敢于站出来为自己发声不再退缩,并以此为初衷创作了这个影片。
The film is based on the real experiences of Chinese women living in the UK. In my personal experience I have found that shyness usually accompanies with Chinese students, especially girls within the banking education. While they study abroad facing another culture, the shyness becomes more prominent. With the multiple identities, which are being a Chinese(as a foreigner) and being a woman, the shyness here is in the intersection with culture and gender. As one of them, I fully appreciate the hardship and difficulties they face. But sometimes more puzzled, even a little angry. Why so shy? Why so timid? Why don’t ask questions? If they don't speak out for themselves, then who will?

What's worse, it seems to become a matter of course while Chinese women act like a shy person. There seems to be an inner voice telling them not to do something, and they believed it. Shyness is not only inherent in their personality, but it is also shaped by their environment in which they grow up. For example, the culture of modesty, as a consensus in Chinese society, is also related to China's long-standing Confucian orthodoxy. This is not the fault of anyone, but the undue influence of over-promoting introversion and modesty has not been realised. What I don't want to see is shyness becomes a label of Chinese women, I don't want this turns into a stereotype. Thus, I create this film in order to awake them notice their cowardice, realise the hegemony that they need to fright with and also advocating for themselves.